Friday, April 15, 2011

Post Surgical Report

Here's the email message that I sent to all the folks on my list today. I know they gave me some Decadron as a pre-med before the surgery today, and I expect that's what is making me so perky right now. I figure if this works like it did during Chemo days I will be dragging my rear tomorrow, and will truly be lounging on the sofa watching movies. Today I had a bit of a "House"-a-thon and also played Sudoku on my new Iphone, a real guilty pleasure. Tomorrow, movies. And veggie chips...another guilty pleasure that I have decided I deserve to indulge in at this particular time. Thank goodness we have Trader Joe's here in Nashville now.
Hi all,

Had my surgery today to replace my  expanders with permanent implants.

Ouch! Fortunately, I have Percocet.  Never used to like that stuff but in this instance, I’m very grateful to it.  An ice pack is helping too.

Surgery went smoothly and I was home by  noon. I figure I’ll be on the sofa most of the weekend but have had the energy  to do a bit of emailing and to paint my nails. I have to be careful to keep my  arms down and not to lift anything over 10 pounds, and I’m actually trying to  keep it to 5 pounds today. But already I am noticing how nice it is to have  those boulders out of my chest.

Dave is taking fantastic care of me  and I know he is very relieved to be able to do it. Mom saved the day back in  November and it was very special for me to get to spend that time with her,  but I am very happy not to need to ask for emergency help, to be able to  handle this ourselves, Dave being well enough to provide the care-giving  without compromising his own health. I prefer to have family visits when I’m  well and able to go have fun! And any of my out of state friends, that goes  for you too!

I’ll be updating my Facebook pages, both the personal one  and the “Adie Grey is Kicking Cancer” page, and also my blog, but I won’t keep  emailing gory details. You of course may check the postings or contact me if  you want to know more, but I don’t want to wear out my welcome! I’ll even post  some pictures when I’ve got the bandages off...clothed and discrete ones of  course!

Thanks always so much for all of the well wishes and supportive  emails. It helps me massively to know you all are out there thinking good  thoughts for me. I’ll try to respond to everyone personally in the next few  days. With the supportive energy I could sense all around me, I was amazingly  calm going into and all through this experience. That felt really good; thank  you again.

Those of you here in the mid south, I hope are safe  from the storms. Thinking good thoughts for you all.

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