Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tomato Time

Despite my terror of ticks and my extreme allergy to mosquitoes, I manage to plant a small garden each summer. Just a tiny tomato patch and this year a 2 by 4 foot herb garden in which a few cherry tomato volunteers have sprouted vigorously enough that I didn't have the heart to pull them. All the plants are loaded with green fruit and have been for weeks, with nothing beginning to pink out. This is late for the persistence of premature produce, usually I have begun my harvest by this time of year.

Local farmer's markets make up for my tardy garden however, and the luscious, giant heirloom tomato beauties contribute to an over-sized bowl of Sugo Cruda, a recipe I got years ago from Beppe Gambetta and that we gorge on every summer. With dishes like this and the various salads I've been making lately, I have no trouble getting my daily 5 cups of fruits and veggies. A diet low in animal protein and high in fresh produce,  along with 30 minutes of exercise daily, is supposed to promote health. And I'm getting all of it, along with lots of green tea and supplements and sleep and fun, but I still stress slightly over the pain in my right hip that has bothered me for a few months, and every bug bite, and anything that might be a symptom that could possibly indicate illness. I truly believe that I am cured and am healthy and in the process of living the second half of my long glowing life, but nagging nervousness creeps in despite my best intentions to maintain a positive outlook. I do maintain it, but have to occasionally take on the doubt. Surely that is a normal, healthy response to factors that could indeed be fear-worthy. So, having these fleeting fears must be another indicator that I am healthy, right?

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