Sunday, July 1, 2012

Yoga for the soul-I need a break

I've been absent lately as I have been processing both emotionally and business-wise my mother's death. Having held her hand as she left her body, I feel a strange peace about the dying process, but a profound sense of loss that encompasses my life totally; grief for lost loved ones, for lost body-parts, career and life focus, ambition....a laundry list of loss. And I thought the loss of time to practice and attend yoga class was one of those griefs, but I find now that every time I try to go, I end up feeling as if I've been cracked open like a soft-boiled egg and my insides are slowly sliding out, tears flowing, sobs unable to be contained. It's embarassing and then also draining and interferes with further plans for the day. Today it was crushing; I could barely drive home for the sobs wracking me after the class. And I realized that I have to stop. I need to refocus, try a different approach to mental and physical fitness, at least for now. I feel such a weight of responsibility this summer, with my financial commitments to my mother's estate, my own home finances, my upcoming presentation at the conference I will attend in early September...I will wait until after that to return to yoga classes. And I'll hope that approach will reset the feedback loop and I'll be able to have a new response. Because I don't want my yoga practice to be another loss to grieve.

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