Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday, Day 5

I wrote early yesterday; the day got worse. So far, yesterday and today have been the days that have been hardest to keep moving, to eat and to keep up my spirits as I contemplate the length of this regime. One day at a time, one bite at a time, one step. One blog.

I was okay yesterday at the mall with my friend Mary-Ann, who helped me scope out makeup for the time when I will need it, a skin care plan to avoid dreadful dryness, and to enjoy, for the time it remains on my head, this little chic hair-do. But the trip exhausted me, and although I had planned to do a bit extra shopping on the way home, and to stop and visit with Hilary for a few minutes, I just couldn't bring myself to any extras. I went home and napped, and continued napping on and off for the rest of the day. The long sleep last night was surely very healing, but I can't remember when I've slept so long, even with the few surgeries I've had this year.

Today has been better; I was able to do some shopping this morning, and to do some housekeeping - laundry - this afternoon, and Dave and I re-hung some artwork and some curtains that had needed attention. Don't know if I'd mentioned that we had a new roof put on the house last Monday, just before I began treatment, and had to wait for all that pounding to be over to rework the wall hangings. I am also trying to figure out where and how to grow the wheatgrass seed flats that came with the kit my dad sent me at my request; I know I want the fresh stuff and that I will be ready, willing and able to juice it, but the growing of it is a bit of a mystery - how do I keep the trays from leaking all over my floor when there are no underliners? How do I keep my cat out of the trays of grass when they are lush? I guess I'll figure it out as I go.

The queeziness has been really rough yesterday and today, and I have been trying to get by with only the anti-nausea drugs, Emmend and Dexamethasone, that they give on day 1-3, but today I tried the breakthrough medication Zofran and it is indeed helping. I'm trying to keep the meds to a minimum, but gotta get through it. One day, one bite, one pill, one breath at a time.

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