Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not in the mood

It's funny how I write these entries mentally constantly, but when I try to sit down and actually commit them to electronic media, I tend to become distracted. I'm just not in the mood lately.

I have a nice covering of short, fine, straight, white hair. I have a few eyelashes and eyebrows growing back in. I have a big glutamine habit and a big appetite, and a belly that feels icky when it's empty. I have the curse of the cancer patient, where every ache and pain, every new symptom or little bump that is probably a bug bite leads to concern and a list of items to tell the doctor about and make her check out when I see her on Wednesday. What does one do when the treatment ends and doctor visits are no longer scheduled on a regular basis? It is daunting to return to confidence, to develop a new normal.

I have a million things to say and nothing of interest to anyone but me, and no time to say it anyway. It's time to go to bed. A beautiful weekend done, time to get ready to return to work. Time goes way too fast.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I am constantly thinking about what meaningful stuff I can write about on my blog too. I find that my mind doesn't want to shut off in the middle of the night, but instead does during the middle of the day! Frustrating at times that's for sure. Good luck to you. Check out my blog when you feel up to it. I'm in the same boat as you.