Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Space Case

The last couple of days, I've felt so much better, so much more normal, than on so many previous Thursday/Fridays, that I wanted to celebrate, especially with the weather having finally turned to perfect early fall balminess. But today, I'm walking around like some kind of rag doll; I feel fine, but lazy, spaced out. I've been taking it easy. Poor Xena, she was all pumped up for the farmers market this morning, but I really didn't have the energy to go. We took a brief drive and then came home and sat on the back porch for a couple of hours.

I think my generally improved sense of well being is due to reduced ancillary drugs; I've had about 1/3 of the weekly steroid dose and am down to just a regular antihistamine. It's much easier for me to tolerate these dosages, and the Taxol now doesn't seem to be messing with me much. I still have the mild neuropathy, but I'm not suffering much. It's odd to think that my body is doing better with that strong drug than it does with the steroids and antihistamines, but so it seems. I also had an acupuncture session on Thursday afternoon, and an energy healing session on Friday. I'm covering all of my bases. My folks have a friend who is a 30 year survivor, and when I asked her for her philosophy regarding successful triumph over cancer and told her about the pressure I had been getting from some of my friends to avoid alopathic treatment, she said, "No, you do everything...chemo, radiation, alternative and complimentary medicine, shamen and energy healers and massages and saunas and nutrition and everything". She told me that the secret to her success was changing her lifestyle to include organic eating and meditation but she certainly did all the traditional western medical treatment that was recommended to her as well. She's here to tell the tale...very inspiring.

This evening Dave and I have to practice up for a performance/lecture at the Country Music Hall of Fame tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to it as a chance to play and use my voice a bit, but hope to shake this lassitude and get into the picking a bit. So glad it's a long holiday weekend.

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