Thursday, February 18, 2010

Big day and some background

wrote this yesterday but fell asleep before posting. 

I had a big day today; got up and went to the hairdressers as I was way overdue for a cut and my somewhat complicated color situation - I use organic henna and indigo to dye my hair and that is a little more of an ordeal than contemporary hair dye. Lately, a friend who is a wonderful hairdresser has been putting the color in for me making the whole process so much easier, still, with the weather we've had lately and my recent surgery,  I've fallen behind on my cut-and-color schedule. I was glad to get in to see her today, but it made for an active morning and early afternoon with some shopping thrown in, and I was just exhausted by the time I got home.  I need to work my way back up to being able to tolerate a full day of work, so it's good that I pushed the boat out a bit.

I've been trying to come up with a format to tell a bit more about my background, as it was the lack of any information regarding a response to this surgery from a woman in my situation, specifically post-menopausal and with a first-and-second-degree relative having had ovarian cancer, that inspired me to write this blog.

So here's the start of my health profile
age: 51
height: 5'6"
weight: 152 lbs last time I checked; it has been up and down over the years, but this is around my average adult weight. It has been as low as 138 and as high as 179 in my adult life.
Heart rate: 60 bpm; Blood Pressure: 111/64 last time it was taken
Heart disease runs in my family but so far, my heart checks out great.
I have a swallowing dysfunction that sometimes makes it difficult for me to eat or drink, but I seem to be able to control it. I have had a condition called "burning mouth syndrome" for the last year and a half, but that has been completely under control since about 1 week before the surgery; I'm hoping that lasts!
I had a 2 tick bites last summer that made me very sick and I was treated with antibiotics; in August I came down with Shingles and that was the sickest I have ever been.
This has been a rough year.

Gynecological history: no children, 1 abortion at age 19; I used an IUD for birth control most of my adult life as I was always in a steady relationship. At one time I was diagnosed with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with one of these IUDs and I had trouble conceiving after that. Miscarriage at age 33. Tried to use "the pill" for approximately a year and a half during 2 different trials, once in my early 20's and once on the "low dose pill" in my early 30's, but both times became severely depressed on it and was told that I was "not a candidate".

More later...

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