Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Day Back

I didn't sleep well last night; I think I can chalk that up to anxiety about returning to work today. It went fine, but then I did have a half-load of patients-there was plenty of time for charting. Tomorrow is the same, a half-schedule. Next week 6 patients a day, and then back to a full schedule of 8 patients a day. I had hoped to be so well recuperated that I would get ahead with projects today, some studying and reading policy that is required for the job, but I was moving pretty slow and didn't get ahead as hoped. Not much pain; I switched to Celebrex last night and it is working for me much better than Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

I was dog tired by the end of the day. I'm going to bed soon-glad to have not too much to do aside from work right now.

Yesterday I went to my post op visit with the surgeon and got a clearance to go back to work. She gave me a copy of the pathology report which informed me that my ovarian cyst was indeed a dermoid, and that as these can be  really any type of body cells-most famously teeth and hair-mine was mainly thyroid tissue. And apparently although the left ovary was normal, there was a cyst attached to the left tube. Ah the things that go on inside our bodies that we are never aware of-its amazing. I suspect that I'm going to feel better than I had before the surgery once I am all healed up.

My burning tongue which burned consistently for over a year has been quite cool now for several weeks. I pray that will continue. I'm almost frightened to mention it lest I jinx it.

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