Saturday, July 10, 2010

Queasy but Good

Today started with a massage-always so helpful. Yesterday I had that "everything hurts" feeling; anywhere I touched on my body was tender. Neck, shoulders, back of the head-everything was painful. The massage helps take this away, to push the chemicals through, out of the tissues and into the systems that will move them on out of me. I had a fairly high-energy day after the massage, doing some food prep and tidying up around the house, clearing surfaces that have been cluttered for weeks, as I can't seem to keep up with putting things away even under normal circumstances.

Grace and Billy came and brought dinner and a friend from out of town that they had been wanting me to meet; she was fun and gave me some psychic insight into the progress of my healing. All good news and good advice. A great meal and great friends. I am very aware that the loving energy of my friends contributes hugely to my largely positive experience of this prophylactic chemo regime. I feel well, I expect to be and stay well. I feel the energy from my friends helping me with my resolve to not let this tumor's stray cells develop into further tumors. I feel confident that I'm going to be successful in this. I don't know why prayers and well wishes work for some and not in other cases; I know they are palpable to and significant for me. And sharing a nice meal is helpful too.

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