Thursday, November 25, 2010

Things I'm Thankful For Today and Everyday, in no particular order...

  1. Life-grateful just to be here to ponder the blessings
  2. Family-the older I get, the more aware I am of how much my family means to me; I don't do nearly enough to show them how I feel about them, and I never get to spend enough time with them. I hope to change that in the next few years. 
  3. My husband-it's his birthday today,  a perfect reason for thanks-giving. Nearly 30 years together; we are lucky to have each other. 
  4. My health-I know it sounds odd for a recently chemo'd person to be claiming to be healthy, but I have never felt that I was sick, just that I had a reaction to the treatment I was going through. I feel very healthy, and I intend to stay that way, despite interruptions in my mobility like the surgery I will undergo next week. 
  5. My job and coworkers-I have a great job and I think the clinic I work in is very special; we are a wholistic provider in a major medical center. It's exciting to be on the cutting edge of the new medical paradigm of promoting wellness rather than just treating disease. Also, my employers offer me wonderful health insurance and support as I am taking time off to attend to my own health needs.
  6. My friends-I am always aware of the value of one's own personal community, and mine is amazing. I've had so much support from friends near and far at all times, and never more than this past year. I can feel the good wishes coming at me from all over the planet. Sounds woo woo, but it's true true. 
  7. My home-I love my house, and I'm excited that I'm going to get a new rug for my bedroom. Got plenty of firewood so I can be sure to be ready for a long week of lying in front of the fire snoozing after my surgery next week. 
  8. My pets-they are a mess, but they give me a kick. I adore those furry freaks. 
  9. My eyes-my vision has been becoming more challenged; got an eye exam a couple of days ago and am glad to know that it's just being another year older. Being unable to read while my eyes were dilated reminded me of what a gift it is to be able to do so, and how dependent I am on my eyesight. 
  10. My favorite things-Wine, chocolate, organic turkeys and veggies and fall colors and hot baths and movies and music and books and vases of flowers and pictures and email and letters and so many things that I can't go on. It could last forever, and I've got to get dressed to go out to dinner. Happy Thanksgiving all. 

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