Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ups and Downs

I'm really falling behind on my blogging, but it's because I've just been so danged busy LIVING! Having the energy to stay busy is wonderful. Two weeks from tomorrow, that energy will be seriously challenged once again, and I can't say that I'm looking forward to it, but I am happily anticipating being past the experience. If anyone out there reading this has any good advice, based on their own experience, for me on how to take the best care of myself that first week or so past surgery, I'd love to hear it.

I had a great weekend though, jam packed as they generally are. Went to an employee contra dance party for my clinic yesterday; as usual, I felt awkward to begin with. Dave had to work and wanted to study when he got home and I didn't have another friend to take along for a date, nor did any of my PT co-workers show up. So as usual, my shy side snuck up on me, and I'm grateful that my boss is incredibly gracious and came over to include me in some conversation. I also ended up chatting with the dance caller and her husband who were up from Alabama; the dancing was great fun, experience from my old square-dancing days helped me stay pretty well on course. Most of the crowd was new to contra and square dancing. I want to do more of it. Great exercise and good fun.

Even better was the party later on celebrating my friend Kathy C's 30 years in the local music biz; she has an amazing band and I have had the honor over the years of providing some backing vocals on some of her shows. I was a last minute addition to last night's appearance, and it gave me a chance to give my voice a nice workout. Use it or lose it. I'm working on getting it back as it has become pretty rusty with all my time spent on my new career day job and very little singing. The caliber of musicianship in Kathy's crew is so astounding, I'm humbled to be invited to join in.  And her fans include some of Nashville's finest singers and musicians, so the on-stage cast kept on rearranging and being added to as the night went on. Wish I could've stayed for the whole thing.

Got some sad news in the course of the evening though; another friend gone due to cancer. F*ck cancer. Went to a memorial for him today which was lovely, but sad, frustrating. I had to leave to go for a happy plan though, more singing at my friend Hilary's home, to be taped for a yoga video. Our friend Cliff was there with his guitar, Ron with his djembe. We jammed on some standards and my voice warmed up very well indeed. Then several girlfriends showed up for a light dinner and wine, a celebration intended to bid my boobs goodbye. The first of the birthday-week parties. See what I mean? I've been busy. It ain't going to let up until I'm post surgery and in the bed. Let the good times roll!

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