Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pain control strategies seem to be working

Written yesterday, 12/14, Tuesday.

I am so happy that I can report that my pain is under control again, but it certainly requires the use of medication. I'm down to far fewer pills daily now than a couple of weeks ago, and that is good indeed, but it's quite humbling to accept that I'll probably be wanting to continue to use prescription pain meds, including narcotics, for the next few months. Maybe I'll be able to get past it, but at least it's minimal at the moment.

Yesterday I had my second "expansion" and was able to deal with it much better than the first surprise fill up. I was prepared for it, had taken a muscle relaxer and a pain pill in advance of the experience, and got a prescription for Valium as well, which I had not been aware of is classified as a muscle relaxer; it apparently does work in that way and seems a bit more helpful in this situation than the Parafon Forte that I've always used successfully in the past. I told Dr. W that I have never asked for a refill of a narcotic prescription before and he said that this treatment is not supposed to be torture and that the Oxycodone will be available as needed throughout the expansion process over the next few months. I only need it to sleep right now, and right after the procedure, but it would be great if I can get the pain level under control to the point where I don't need it at all, as stated before. It gives me bad dreams, but at least allows me to sleep. A conundrum.

Tonight, Dave went to bed with a belly ache. He said it is not serious, but his face is drawn and pained looking. I am nervous about taking my pain pill in case I need to drive him to the ER. Guess if we reach that, God forbid, I'll call 911. Got a call from a very close friend informing me that he has been in the hospital for about a week with ulcerative colitis. Sure seems like a lot of illness and suffering going on among my crew at the moment. Whassup? Must be age, yet I look at my parents and they seem to be thriveing, along with many of their friends. How do I join that crowd, the happy, healthy over-70 social set? I mean, I want to be as well and able as they at their age. That's my plan. It would be nice if my gang is there with me.

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