Sunday, October 10, 2010

Symptom Log 10/10/10

  1. Neuropathy: Not too bad today, but occasional shooting pains.
  2. Appetite: silly to keep documenting this one. Quite healthy. A little occasional heartburn the last couple of days, especially after eating a "Skinny Cow" ice cream bar at the race yesterday.
  3. Mouth: Sores gone. Burning Mouth Syndrome was there most of yesterday, but I don't remember noticing it at all today.
  4. Jaw/Teeth: no major clenching last night.
  5. Anxiety: low
  6. Strength: I feel quite strong. I made it through the 5K plus all the extra walking, probably a couple of miles worth, yesterday and was only slightly sore today.
  7. Nose bleeds: pretty consistent bloody discharge today; yuck. I look forward to that being over with. 
  8. Energy: Lots of energy today and yesterday. Having fresh juice for breakfast daily since my juicer got here and am just going going going like the Energizer bunny.
  9. Hair: coming back, all straight and white everywhere. 
  10. Swallowing: no major trouble today, no slowdowns. No hiccups today, but haven't tried to swallow any pills, either. 

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Congrats on doing the race. I am finding it difficult to walk my dogs, so I'm impressed. My neuropathy seems to be getting worse with each Taxol dose, so I really relate to the aches and pains. Thankfully only more to go for me.