Saturday, October 2, 2010

Symptom Log 10/2/10

  • Mouth: sores are healing; teeth less painful today than yesterday. Burning tongue increased somewhat, about 4/10 which is higher than it has been in a while. 
  • Neuropathy: not bad; about the same as yesterday. Occasional shooting pains, some diminished sensation particularly in left hand, mostly the thumb and index finger, and in both thumbnail beds, about 5/10
  • Anxiety: decreased today; back to feeling strongly about the surgery. Frankly, I don't really want to do any further therapy after finishing chemo, but I think the least anxiety going forward will be associated with the mastectomy. I really don't want to do radiation. 
  • Appetite: too good. Not out of control, but very active. Had dinner at Ted's Montana Grill tonight though, where I've gone to eat red meat as it's all free range, but the meatloaf I ordered tonight was too heavily peppered with black and white pepper and I am just over that place-way too corporate. The only thing that got me back there 3 times is the fact that the meat is trustworthy, but I think I'm going to have to prepare it myself, for the occasional times that I eat it, to be sure of the source. I'll eat other things when we dine out. 
  • Sleep: slept deep and long last night. Didn't get a chance to work out or walk today. Will do tomorrow.

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