Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Symptom Log 10/5/10

  1. Neuropathy: yeah, it's still there. A bit worse today.
  2. Appetite: still more than I'd like, but healthy. I'll worry about the weight when I'm done with the chemo.
  3. Mouth: sores just a bump now. Burning Mouth Syndrome consistent all day. VAS 4/10
  4. Jaw/Teeth: tight jaw, some tooth pain and tingling especially in the morning.
  5. Anxiety: low
  6. Strength: no trouble with doing manual therapy today. 
  7. Nose bleeds: pretty consistent bloody discharge today; yuck. I look forward to that being over with. 
  8. Energy: much better today
  9. Hair: coming back, all straight and white everywhere. 
  10. Swallowing: no major trouble today, just occasional slowdowns. No hiccups today. 

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