Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wonderful Weekend with the Folks

I'm having a great weekend; my folks have come to Nashville from L.A. to visit me and we have been enjoying each other's company for the past couple of days. Long walks, long talks, art exhibits and train rides, a real treat for me as I haven't seen them since my graduation a year and a half ago, and a triumph of energy as I've had the most active Friday and Saturday that I've had in a very long time. I hope I can keep it up tomorrow; I want to make it to yoga class in the afternoon, after brunch with the family before I kiss them goodbye and send them on their way to other parts of Tennessee.

It's been perfect weather, too, a rare occurance here in middle Tennessee where it is usually too hot, too cold, or too humid. We really lucked out for our train trip looking at the changing leaves and the silly train robbery skit. My friend Hunter has a coffee house in the little town where we stopped and walked around; it was great to see him, even if only for a minute-the shop was mobbed. I was tired when we got home though, crashed out for a while, then off to another yummy dinner tonight. Gotta get back on the mostly-veggie diet again tomorrow! Xena is moping today as she knows it's Saturday and I neglected my doggie duty of taking her out to a farmers market or park in our usual manner in order to spend the time usually spent with her with my parents. It's a people thing; she wouldn't understand.

I'm nervous about going back to a fuller schedule at work again. I think I'll be fine, heck, I'm not going to have a weekly poisoning session anymore, and it's only 2 additional patient hours, but this first week back I didn't realize that my schedule had reverted to my old schedule for Monday - Wednesdays (full days) and my newer schedule for Thursday and Friday (5 hour days) which for this one week will add 4 patient hours -


Well, I crashed out yesterday in the middle of the blog. Today I was pretty whupped and took a long nap after we came home from brunch, the last family meal before the parents went on to Chattanooga. Spent the evening making soup. Aside from being so dang tired, I feel pretty good today. Wonder what the coming week will be like, with no chemical interruption. There goes that excuse....

As I celebrate another beautiful day of being on the planet, I am reminded to appreciate each nuance of life with the news that another dear friend has passed away suddenly. Years ago, after a series of losses of his crew, John Hartford told me repeatedly that you've gotta be tough to grow old; it's not for sissies. Indeed. Those we miss live on in our hearts but that is cold comfort when you just feel like sharing a story and having a laugh with them. I'm grateful to be here to mourn, sorry that mourning is in order. Farewell dear friend.

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