Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Symptom Log 10/12/10

  1. Neuropathy: Mostly left thumb, but whole left hand is effected, shooting pains in the feet continue as well. 5/10. The neuroma on the left hand was tingling a lot today and the hand was very sensitive to hot water while washing dishes.
  2. Appetite: Fresh juice in the morning is just great; holds me for about 3 hours.
  3. Mouth: Sores gone. Burning Mouth Syndrome back most of day, not very high though. 3/10 in the tongue. Some tingling/pain in the teeth and gums as well.
  4. Anxiety: low today, but still running my mental worry tape and trying to silence it. I've at least gotten it to quiet down.
  5. Strength: Continuing to feel it improving.
  6. Nose bleeds: continuing to improve. I wonder how long until they go away?
  7. Energy: Pretty good; never really hit the wall, but I had PT myself today and kinda dozed off, so got a tiny nap.
  8. Hair: coming back, all straight and white everywhere. Thought I saw the beginnings of a curl, but I think it was just messed up from the way I slept.
  9. Swallowing: Another really good day with that; may it last.
  10. Pain: Still feeling that tight pulling pain at the lateral border of my left breast. It's not right at the surgical site, but within a couple of inches of it.
  11. Shortness of breath/Palpitations: These continue. Not debilitating, but concerning.

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