Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday Super day

I got my energy back yesterday and it was still present today. Oh feels good to be back. I hope it is not a temporary reprieve and that I will continue to experience a increase in umph, and that I've truly gotten my mojo back.

This morning I sold the hand-cranked wheatgrass juicer my folks sent to me at the beginning of the chemical treatment phase of this journey and then made myself a glass of wheatgrass/apple and assorted greens juice in the Omega electric. I traded stainless steel man-powered for plastic and polycarbonate plugin. I prefer stainless in principle, but just couldn't deal with the constant falling off of the counter, not to mention the amount of exercise required to turn the crank. Much better for me to use the machine that I'm using and get the juice than to be off put by the requirements and not end up getting the elixer. It's like the question about organic brocoli-better to eat organic than conventional, but better to eat conventional than none at all. 

Spent the early afternoon with my friend Sandy who is a long time breast cancer survivor; she was kind enough to take me out to lunch and to tour the Country Music Hall of Fame. I've been there before, in fact I play there with Dave in an educational presentation about twice a year, but I haven't toured the exhibits in several years. It's always inspiring, always interesting. It's also meloncholy, looking at the artifacts associated with so many people I've known personally and some who are gone now, who I miss desperately. It also just in general sends me down memory lane, reviewing so many great moments in my life as an unknown musician. I had a damn good time back in my former life, and today.

Took the dog-girl for a walk by the lake in the late afternoon, with perfect fall weather and the trees still dropping red and golden leaves. Xena shines on walks like that-she loves them, the smells, the critters and all the admiration she gets from passers-by. I did too, but am so out of practice that my feet were sore afterward despite having worn my sneakers.  I still had the energy to make dinner afterward, and am now relaxing and watching TV. A really nice day. The front lights are off and we are not participating with the few trick-or-treaters who are roaming the neighborhood. We are cuddled up, hunkered down and staying in. I wish I had some apple cider to heat up.

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