Friday, August 6, 2010


My oncologist insists that CIA (chemo induced anemia) does not respond to iron supplementation. Well, yesterday I felt great with the Benedryl worn off and the Decadron still working, but also having taken an iron supplement. Today I started out dragging; it was a drizzly morning and that can make me sleepy, but I was also having the dizzies when I stood up from the pool side with aquatic patients today. I got home, took an iron pill, got a massage, took a bath and started feeling much better. Tonight I'm not as peppy as last night, but I am much perkier than I had been in the early part of the day. Actually, could be the massage - it was wonderful and I feel much less achy; didn't even realize I was aching. My body craves Karen's massages; they feel especially healing, grounding, and I always feel an overall improvement after a session with her.  I intend to continue using the iron either way until and unless it stops giving me even the impression that it's making a difference.

We went to dinner at our local Korean restaurant tonight, Seoul Garden, with friends Billy and Grace, and then came back and sat out on the porch to visit on a lovely evening, the first in a long time that has been fit for sitting out. I have a lot to do for that back porch still-it's under-decorated and under-furnished, but it's lovely to be out there. If the weather would just calm down a bit, I could try to get the yard under control and the patio fixed up. But patience is my middle name this year; I can't hurry the household improvements any more than I can the hair regrowth or the treatment time. It all has to go at its own pace and I have to be at peace with that because the alternative is madness and that is out of the question.

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