Friday, August 13, 2010


Well, it's finally happened. My fingertips are somewhat numb, my shoulders more so. It's a very odd feeling. I'm kinda scared, and am working hard to keep my focus on the outcome I desire, not the one I fear. I am continuing to take my Glutamine, and have heard that Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid may also help, so I'm seeking some input of whether these can be taken concurrently or if they are either/or kinds of substances. I find it hard to imagine that they can't be taken together, because in one's diet, amino acids are combined, but with chemo one is wise to be very circumspect regarding every item that enters ones mouth.

The heat here is brutal; I've been hiding in the house since I returned from work. It's finally cool enough to sit on the patio, but I'm just too danged tired.

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