Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, muggy Sunday

This has been a nice long hot day during which I got a lot done, but not enough. It's always the way...days off are too short. Got to get back on the stick with preparing the '09 tax returns-the extension deadline is coming up. October 15th will be here before I know it. That will be good in as much as it will mean the end of chemo, but it would be bad to neglect this responsibility. It's just a matter of spending some time with Quicken to get the records ready for the CPA. Not a big deal, just gotta do it.

But today I went to the Y and did a half hour on the strider, took the dog for a walk, gave Dave a massage, did some shopping, made dinner, prepared a set list for our show on Sept. 5 at the Country Music Hall of was a good busy day. Thought a lot about my plans for the future too. I realized that my status as a cancer survivor now is not that different than it was as a cancer avoider, except that when I am feeling anxious around the times of screenings from now on, I know how it feels to have a positive biopsy, to receive bad news. You live through it. It's scary, but it's always been scary. It was always a danger, there was always the possibility that I was going to hear a test result that I feared. It's unfortunate that 2010 has been a year that has been devoted to treatment and surgeries, and I intend to make 2011 a year of celebration and travel. I deserve it, and I'm not going to let fear clip my wings.

Thursday I met with the radiation Oncologist at St. Thomas hospital, and he made it clear to me that I will indeed be doing radiation after I finish chemo, which really does put a fork in any thoughts I may have had about a quick trip home after chemo-I will be immuno suppressed until it's time to start the next therapy regime, and there won't be time to take a long weekend during treatment. Unless I were to go for Thanksgiving...that could be a possibility. I'll have to figure out who is doing the treatment where and see what the thought is on that.

I did get an answer on the ALC and it's cool with Glutamine, so I ordered some last night. I did add ALA already and also upped my B6, and the neuropathy is nearly gone, just some slight diminished sensation on the posterior surface of my left thumb, and still some in the left shoulder back as well. Could be neck tension as much as anything else, really. Time for me to plan another massage for myself!


linda said...

where do you want to travel?

estralitadiva said...

Linda, it's kind of you to read my blog and to ask, and I have appreciated your comments and have had a chance to take a brief look at your blog; looking forward to reading more and wish you all the best. Congrats for being done with treatment; I hope you can be peaceful about it as you go on with your life. I hope the same for myself! It's rough. But you asked where I want to travel...thanks for asking because it's gotten me seriously thinking about it. First off I want to go to LA to see my crew-family and friends-but then I yearn to return to Europe. Had been planning to go to Italy this past May to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary, but it didn't happen obviously, so I'm gearing up for that next year. I don't miss a lot of the music business, but I miss traveling, particularly overseas.