Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Third Taxol

Okay, 3 down, 9 to go. They gave me Benedryl again, but half of the previous dose. I've got the itching again tonight, but not very badly. So far no neuropathy, but some kind of intermittent diminished sensation in my shoulders, right at the back of the slope. I keep doing the glutamine and B6 and am hoping to avoid neuropathic trouble.

Glenda looked at my little scabbed area and said that she thinks it's an internal suture working it's way out rather than dissolving, and that sounds plausible. I'm concerned about a number of details, but not worried about any-feeling oddly calm and peaceful about getting through this. Just walking the road and waiting to see what is around the next curve. Life is all about change all the time, and a cancer diagnosis really brings that home in a very dramatic way, but so do loads of other diagnoses, and I've been thinking a lot about an old friend, Eric, who is suffering from ALS, and several friends and patients who are struggling with MS. It all sucks and it all stimulates the Zen impulse. Enjoy when and while you can; rejoice daily in celebration of all small miracles.

1 comment:

linda said...

You're beautiful, bald, with hair, or wig. Welcome to the pink ribbon club.