Sunday, June 13, 2010

GI Jane

My latest "do" is a very military-style cut; I feel like Demi Moore in that movie GI Jane where she sports a crew cut. I know I flatter myself to compare to Ms. Moore, but I feel pretty good about how I look with a crew cut, and that is a surprise. I didn't expect to like the previous short cut, but I did, and got lots of complements. I'm pleased to discover my face in a way I would never have without the imposition of change that chemo has presented; I prefer to have hair to play with, but it's a relief to learn that I can feel good about my looks without it. I had always assumed that my face is too big, too round, for me to be one of those women who can carry off the bald look with aplomb, but I should not be so surprised: my sister looked just fabulous when she chose to sport her baldness in public. I am still finding the experience interesting.

It was kind of Jocylene to fit me in this morning. It was sort-of "emergency haircut" time, as I was shedding badly. It's much less upsetting to be shedding quarter inch hair than 1 and half inch strands. And it was comforting to sit with Jocylene and her friend in the sunny salon she has set up in her home basement as she cut with scissors rather than shaved my hair short. That kind of personal touch takes the edge off of this experience; it's not traumatic, but it is odd; my friends make it much easier. 

Felt pretty good today; had a busy morning with my haircut and some shopping and a visit to the Y. I will have to continue to plan my daily half hour of cardio pump for indoors as the weather is just too darn hot to spend it outside right now. Poor Xena is missing her daily walkies, but she had an impromptu puppy play date today as Dexter the neighbor dog escaped his yard and came for a visit. There ought to be a dog-friendly mall where folks can walk their dogs, but I don't know of any. 

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