Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday June 19th

The headache was at bay for quite a while, but returned this evening shortly before dinnertime. It has been pretty persistent since showing up and was unresponsive, so far, to homeopathics and Tylenol and the rubbing all kinds of points purported to relieve headaches and other bodily distresses.  Maybe it's a chemo thing. I don't know but I sure wish it would quit. Headon-I'm going to apply it directly to my forehead...and if that doesn't help, I may call the on-call doctor and see what they have to suggest.  Yipes.

Went to the Westside Farmers Market this morning and had planned to continue to run some errands but had the dog in the car and there was no shade to park in anywhere so I took her and the produce home. Went out again later and got some wig supplies-you need special shampoo for the synthetic hair-and I went to Pier One hoping to buy a parasol to keep this blazing sun off of me, but they didn't have any. I will have to just carry an umbrella for now, and order a proper parasol off of the Internet.

I spent a good deal of this afternoon just lying on my bed in the cool bedroom, ignoring another episode of the DVDd first season of Big Love which a friend was kind enough to send as part of a gift of a mountain of TV-series DVDs. Perfect background music for lazing around. I alternately tuned in to the program and read an Ayervedic cookbook that I would like to start exploring. Every new cooking tradition that I am excited by requires several key ingredients and techniques that I'm unfamiliar with and must spend time researching. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to work and could spend all day cooking. Often though, reading the cookbooks is more enjoyable than actually preparing the food. I'm just cooking for the 2 of us most of the time, and Dave doesn't always enjoy my experiments although he's always very sweet about eating what I prepare.

Went to a small party tonight at the home of our friends Hilary and Rob; what a wonderful group of people. I am grateful to be able to be social right now; I wonder if my immune system will continue to tolerate public exposure. I hear that it should; if I can go to work, I ought to be able to go to the occasional party, and my docs will warn me if my white count gets too low. And laughter and joy are immune-boosting, and I had a lot of laughs and a lot of smiles tonight. Even whipped off the wig for a bit at Linda's request and got a nice head caress which felt great. Met a woman who is a practitioner of a number of non-western healing traditions and was very inspired and informed by meeting her. It was great to have gotten to go and spend some cool time in the outdoors that have been so inhospitable for the past few days.

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